Tuesday, September 25, 2012

War of 1812: The War Hawks

War Hawk Felix Grundy, the representative from Tennessee, very much wanted Canada in 1811. To Congress, he said:

“It cannot be believed by an man who will reflect, that the savage tribes, uninfluenced by other Powers, would think of making war on the United States. They understand too well their own weakness, and our strength. They have already felt the weight of our arms; they know they hold the very soil on which they live as tenants at sufferance. How, then, sir, are we to account for their late conduct? In one way only; some powerful nation must have intrigued with them, and turned their peaceful disposition towards us into hostilities. Great Britain alone has intercourse with those Northern tribes; I therefore infer, that if British gold has not been employed, their baubles and trinkets, and the promise of support and a place of refuge if necessary, have had their effect. . . . This war, if carried on successfully, will have its advantages. We shall drive the British from our Continent–they will no longer have an opportunity of intriguing with out Indian neighbors, and setting on the ruthless savage to tomahawk our women and children. That nation will lose her Canadian trade, and, by having no resting place in this country, her means of annoying us will be diminished. . . . I am willing to receive the Canadians as adopted brethren: it will have beneficial political effects; it will preserve the equilibrium of the Government. When Louisiana shall be fully peopled, the Northern States will lose their power; they will be at the discretion of others; they can be pressured at pleasure, and then this Union might be endangered–I therefore feel anxious not only to add the Floridas to the South, but the Canadas to the North of this empire.” [quoted in MAJOR PROBLEMS IN THE EARLY REPUBLIC, 156-57]

“Your committee will not enlarge on any of the injuries, however great, which have had a transitory effect. They wish to call the attention of the House to those of a permanent nature only, which intrench so deeply on our most important rights, and wound so extensively and vitally our best interests, as could not fail to deprive the United States of the principal advantages of their Revolution, if submitted to. The control of our commerce by Great Britain, in regulating, at pleasure, and expelling it almost from the ocean; the oppressive manner in which these regulations have been carried into effect, by seizing and confiscating such of our vessels on the high seas, and elsewhere, and holding them in bondage till it suited the convenience of their oppressors to deliver them up; are encroachments of that high and dangerous tendency, which could not fail to produce that pernicious effect; nor would these be the only consequences that would result from it. The British Government might, for a while, be satisfied with the ascendency thus gained over us, but its pretensions would soon increase. The proof which so complete and disgraceful a submission to its authority would afford of our degeneracy, could not fail to inspire confidence, that there was no limit to which its usurpations, and our degradation, might not be carried. Your committee, believing that the free-born sons of America are worthy to enjoy the liberty which their fathers purchased at the price of so much blood and treasure, and seeing in the measures adopted by Great Britain, a course commenced and persisted in, which must lead to a loss of national character and independence, feel no hesitation in advising resistance by force; in which the Americans of the present day will prove to the enemy and to the world, that we have not only inherited that liberty which our fathers gave us, but also the will and power to maintain it. Relying on the patriotism of the nation, and confidently trusting that the Lord of Hosts will go with us to battle in a righteous cause, and crown our efforts with success, your committee recommend an immediate appeal to arms.” [quoted in MAJOR PROBLEMS IN THE EARLY REPUBLIC, 157].

Term List, D.W. Howe, What Hath God Wrought

Daniel Walker Howe, What Hath God Wrought, term list
Fall 2012

Pp. 1-202
Samuel Morse
“communications revolution”
Ned Packenham
Thomas Mullins
Battle of New Orleans, 1815
Jedediah Morse
“Middle Ground”
“little ice age”

Republican ideology
Fur trade
Santa Fe Trail
Jedediah Smith
Sojourner Truth
Planter paternalism
Slave patrol
Dolley Madison
Battle of Baltimore, 1814
Old Republicans
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
Creek War
Second Treaty of Greenville
Algiers War
Madisonian Platform
Second Bank of the U.S.
14th Congress
John Randolph
Old Republicans/Tertium Quids
Tariff of 1816
National Road
Compensation Act
Bonus Bill
James Monroe
Monroe’s cabinet
Anglo-American Convention of 1818
First Seminole War
St. Mark’s
Transcontinental Treaty of Washington, 1819
Monroe Doctrine

Erie Canal
John Marshall
Joseph Story
Old Southwest
Second Middle Passage
Francis Cabot Lowell
Lowell, Mass.
Great Migration
John Chapman
Panic of 1819
Langdon Cheeves
Missouri Compromise
Rufus King
Denmark Vesey
Temperance [American]
The Beecher Family
Charles G. Finney
“Burned-over District”
Oberlin College
“Christian perfection”
Circuit rider
Peter Cartwright
“Second Great Awakening”
Evangelical United Front
Robert Baird
Elias Hicks
“Catholic revivalism”
John Hughes

Pp. 203-420
William H. Crawford
John C. Calhoun
John Quincy Adams
Henry Clay
Andrew Jackson
The Letters of Wyoming
National Road
Erie Canal
“Empire State”
United States Post Office
Washington Irving
James Fenimore Cooper
Timothy Flint
DeWitt Clinton
Chesapeake and Ohio
John McLean
American Colonization Society
“American System”
National Republicans
Tariff of Abominations
“corrupt bargain”
Millennium (postm; prem)
Francis Wayland
American civil religion
William Miller
“The Great Disappointment”
Robert Owen
George Rapp
Amana Society
Martin Stephan
CFW Walther
Elizabeth Seton
Prophet Matthias
John Humphrey Noyes
Harriet Martineau
Frances Wright
Joseph Smith, Jr.
The Book of Mormon
Mormon War of 1838
Mount Benedict
Nat Turner
“Age of Jackson”
“kitchen cabinet”
John Henry Eaton/Peggy Eaton
Indian Removal
Cherokee Nation
Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
“domestic dependent nation”
Maysville Veto Message
Pocket veto
Robert Y. Hayne
Daniel Webster
Nicholas Biddle
Second Bank of the U.S.
Wildcat Banking
Martin Van Buren
Pet Banks
Great Triumvirate
Second Party System
Tariff of Abominations
Nullification proclamation
Force Bill

Pp. 410-524
John Ross
Treaty of New Echota
Black Hawk’s War
David Walker
William Lloyd Garrison
American Anti-Slavery Society
Amos Kendall
Elijah Lovejoy
Code duello
Roger Taney
Robert Owen
American Bible Society
Alexander Campbell
Horace Mann
Edward Everett
Yale Report of 1828
The Book of Nature
Joseph Henry
Slyvester Graham
William Morton
Theodore Dwight Weld
James H. Thornwell
Martin Van Buren
Richard M. Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Amos Kendall (and again on pg. )
Deposit-Distribution Act
Specie Circular of 1836
Pet banks
Free banking
William Leggett
Gag rule
Indian Removal
William Mackenzie

Pp. 525-
“Five Points”
Eli Whitney
Cyrus McCormick
John Deere
Working Men’s political parties
Francis Wright
Thomas Skidmore
Lowell Female Reform Association
Stephen Van Rensselaer II
Anti-rent movement
Treatise on Domestic Economy
Maysville Veto
“legal person”/corporation
B&O Railroad
America’s economic “take-off”
William Henry Harrison
Log cabin/Hard Cider
Horace Greeley
Land Act of 1841
Bankruptcy Act of 1841
“Illinois System”
Dorr Rebellion
Dorothea Dix
Pp. 613-
William Ellery Channing
Laura Bridgman
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Margaret Fuller
Henry David Thoreau
Brook Farm
Henry Wadworth Longfellow
Edgar Allen Poe
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Herman Melville
Frederick Douglass
Lewis Tappan
Theodore Dwight Weld
Liberty Party
Prigg v. Pennsylvania
Erasmo Seguin
Stephen Austin
Mexican Constitution of 1824
Santa Anna
Texian Revolution
William Travis
David Crockett
James Fannin
San Jacinto
Lone Star Republic
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Robert Walker
James K. Polk
James G. Birney
Samuel F.B. Morse
Texas Annexation
Hudson’s Bay Company
“Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!”
Joseph Smith
Brigham Young
Zachary Taylor
George Wilkins Kendall
Winfield Scott
St. Patrick’s Battalion
John C. Fremont
Thomas Larkin
Stephen Watts Kearny
“No Territory”
Walker Tariff

Polk-Santa Anna Conspiracy
Cotton Whigs
Conscience Whigs
Revolutions of 1848
“All Mexico”
Nicholas Trist
Gold Rush
Irish Potato Famine
Lewis Cass
Free Soil
Declaration of Sentiments