Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Civil War Study Guide, 2013

Final 2013 study guide; Civil War; Birzer

N.B. The final is worth 40% of your course grade.  To earn anything above a “C”, you must employ—to a significant extent—the readings you were assigned.

Section I: Essay.  One of these will appear on the final.  Worth 30% of your final.
1.  Consider Lincoln’s relationships with other politicians, cabinet members, generals, and the America people.  What kind of president and person was he?
2.  Explain the evolution of northern war aims, strategies, and tactics, 1861-1865.
3.  Explain both Union and Confederate motivations/justifications for beginning as well as continuing the war, 1861-1865.  Be sure to include the views of the leaders, the average soldiers, and the general public of each section.
4.  Explain the evolution of Lincoln’s thought/understanding regarding secession and the purpose of the war, 1861-1865.
5.  Explain the role of the Yankee Leviathan and Confederate War Socialism in the waging of the CIvil War (should include "Total War.")

Section II: I.D.s/Definitions;. Definitions will be worth ten points each.  Four total; worth 40% of your final.

13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
54th Massachusetts
American System
Ambrose Burnside
Anaconda Plan
Bleeding Kansas
Compromise of 1850
“Cotton is King”
Eastern Theater
Emancipation Proclamation
Field Order #120
First Bull Run
Fort Sumter
G.B. McClellan
George Meade
Henry Clay
Homesteading Act
James Buchanan
James Longstreet
Jefferson Davis
John C. Calhoun
Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War
Joshua Chamberlain
Knights of the Golden Circle
Manifest Destiny
Meditation on the Divine Will
Missouri Compromise
New York Draft Riots
Peninsular Campaign
Petersburg Siege
Popular sovereignty
Prigg v. Pennsylvania
Radical Republicans
River Queen Doctrine
Robert Anderson
Robert E. Lee
Secret Six
Special Field Order #15
Springfield Rifle
Stonewall Jackson
Total War
Trans-Mississippi Theater
U.S. Grant
Wade-Davis Bill
Western Theater
Wilderness Campaign
Wilmot Proviso
William H. L. Wallace
William Seward
William T. Sherman
Western Theater
Yankee Leviathan

Section III: Short answers.  Worth 30% of your final grade.  

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