Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Civil War Study Guide, 2013

Final 2013 study guide; Civil War; Birzer

N.B. The final is worth 40% of your course grade.  To earn anything above a “C”, you must employ—to a significant extent—the readings you were assigned.

Section I: Essay.  One of these will appear on the final.  Worth 30% of your final.
1.  Consider Lincoln’s relationships with other politicians, cabinet members, generals, and the America people.  What kind of president and person was he?
2.  Explain the evolution of northern war aims, strategies, and tactics, 1861-1865.
3.  Explain both Union and Confederate motivations/justifications for beginning as well as continuing the war, 1861-1865.  Be sure to include the views of the leaders, the average soldiers, and the general public of each section.
4.  Explain the evolution of Lincoln’s thought/understanding regarding secession and the purpose of the war, 1861-1865.
5.  Explain the role of the Yankee Leviathan and Confederate War Socialism in the waging of the CIvil War (should include "Total War.")

Section II: I.D.s/Definitions;. Definitions will be worth ten points each.  Four total; worth 40% of your final.

13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
54th Massachusetts
American System
Ambrose Burnside
Anaconda Plan
Bleeding Kansas
Compromise of 1850
“Cotton is King”
Eastern Theater
Emancipation Proclamation
Field Order #120
First Bull Run
Fort Sumter
G.B. McClellan
George Meade
Henry Clay
Homesteading Act
James Buchanan
James Longstreet
Jefferson Davis
John C. Calhoun
Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War
Joshua Chamberlain
Knights of the Golden Circle
Manifest Destiny
Meditation on the Divine Will
Missouri Compromise
New York Draft Riots
Peninsular Campaign
Petersburg Siege
Popular sovereignty
Prigg v. Pennsylvania
Radical Republicans
River Queen Doctrine
Robert Anderson
Robert E. Lee
Secret Six
Special Field Order #15
Springfield Rifle
Stonewall Jackson
Total War
Trans-Mississippi Theater
U.S. Grant
Wade-Davis Bill
Western Theater
Wilderness Campaign
Wilmot Proviso
William H. L. Wallace
William Seward
William T. Sherman
Western Theater
Yankee Leviathan

Section III: Short answers.  Worth 30% of your final grade.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

2013 Midterm Study Guide

Midterm 2013 Study Guide; Sectionalism and Civil War 
Instructor, grader, and would-be arbitrary tyrant: Bradley J. Birzer the Pitt Elder

N.B.  Please feel free to study in pairs or groups.  Of course, you will have to take the exam individually.

Section 1: Essay.  “Explain the causes of the Civil War.” 
To cover the topic fully, you should include the issues discussed over the past six weeks: slavery, nationalism, republican thought, economics, religion, demographics, the constitution and politics, etc.  Please remember that you are making an argument and must support it with appropriate evidence—from lectures as well as from the assigned readings in the course.  
Worth sixty percent of your midterm grade.

Section 2: I.D.s.  I will give you four terms, and you will need to define four (4) of them.  To answer correctly, you must address the how, what, who, where, when, and why of each. 
Possible I.D.s:
“Bleeding Kansas”
“Manifest Destiny”
“popular sovereignty”
1850 Fugitive Slave Law
American Party
Border Ruffians
Compromise of 1850
Conscience Whigs
Constitutional Union Party
Daniel Webster
Force Bill
Free Soil Party
Henry Clay
James Buchanan
Jefferson Davis
John Brown
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Knights of the Golden Circle
Lecompton Swindle
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Missouri Compromise of 1820
Platte County Self-Defense Association
Prigg v. Pennsylvania
Robert Anderson
Secret Six
Stephen Douglas
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
William Walker
William H. Seward
Wilmot Proviso

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Terms, Potter, Final

Key Terms, Potter, Chapter 10 to end
Free Soil
Pope Day
Know Nothing
Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk
Dred Scot
Robert J. Walker
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Freeport Question/Doctrine
John Brown
Secret Six
Harper’s Ferry
“Congressional Party”
Baltimore Convention
Charleston Convention
John J. Crittendon
John Bell
Cooper Union Speech (Lincoln)
Salmon P. Chase
Knights of the Golden Circle
Theory of Race
De Bow’s Review
Committee of Thirteen
Jeremiah S. Black
Robert Anderson/Sumter
Star of the West
Peace Conference

Monday, January 28, 2013

John Brown Painting: Topeka State House

Terms: Potter, Impending Crisis, Chapters 1-9

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, nationalism, David Wilmot, Slave Power, Negrophobia, antislavery men, conciliationists, Lewis Cass, popular sovereignty, free soilers, Nicholson Letter, Barnburners, Hunkers, Conscience Whigs, Liberty Party, little magician, holocaust of blood, Legend of 1850, Calhoun March 4 speech, Daniel Webster March 7 speech, William Seward, Higher Law, Clay’s Omnibus, Fugitive Slave Law, Finality, Constitutional Unionist, Georgia Platform, personal liberty laws, Pacific Railroad, little giant, Appeal of the Independent Democrats, Kansas Nebraska Act, Know Nothingism, William Walker, James Gadsden, Greytown, John A. Quitman, Ostend Manifesto, The War in Nicaragua, The Knights of the Golden Circle, Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company, Platte County Self-Defensive Association, Bleeding Kansas, Pukes, Lecompton, Topeka, Charles Robison, Jefferson Buford, Sack of Lawrence, The Crime Against Kansas, Preston Brooks, Charles Sumner, John Brown, Army of the North.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Locke and Slavery, 1669

For my HC students, H105 and H303: the darker side of John Locke--from his (he was co-author) Fundamental Constitution of the Carolinas, 1669:

107. “Since charity obliges us to wish well to the souls of all men, and religion ought to alter nothing in any man's civil estate or right, it shall be lawful for slaves, as well as others, to enter themselves, and be of what church or profession any of them shall think best, and, therefore, be as fully members as any freeman. But yet no slave shall hereby be exempted from that civil dominion his master hath over him, but be in all things in the same state and condition he was in before.”

110. “Every freeman of Carolina shall have absolute power and authority over his negro slaves, of what opinion or religion soever.”

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

H303/Civil War Syllabus (Spring 2013)

Sectionalism and Civil War, Hist303
Spring 2013
Instructor: Brad Birzer/Delp 403
Office Hours: M/T, 11-2 (generally)

Whatever [General Lee’s] feelings, they were entirely concealed from my observation; but my own feelings, which had been quite jubilant on the receipt of his letter, were sad and depressed. I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse. I do not question, however, the sincerity of the great mass of those who were opposed to us.
--General U.S. Grant, April 1865

  • McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom
  • Shaara, Killer Angels
  • Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin (Bantam edition)
  • Potter, Impending Crisis
  • Assorted handouts (probably through the above website

  • Midterm: 30%; March 7
  • Research Paper: 30%; due 5pm, April 30.
  • Final: 40%

Research Papers (*Semester Long*)
On Civil War (1848-1877) topic of your choice.   Your paper should be 15-20 pages in length.
  • The paper should be an original, well-researched, 15-20 (longer is fine) page paper in manuscript form (doubled spaced, one-inch margins, with proper footnotes and a complete bibliography).  It must be primary-source driven.  Secondary sources should be used, but, not surprisingly, only secondarily.  That is, you should employ secondary sources as guides to the bibliographic and primary sources available and as indicators of the historiographical controversies surrounding your topic.  The Mossey Library has excellent resources and some of the finest librarians—Linda Moore, for example—I have ever met.  Make sure to take advantage of their expertise.  
  • Mossey databases and resources you will find especially useful for this research project: the Western Americana collection (Yale’s entire collection on microfilm); Harper’s Online; JSTOR; America: History and Life; the New York Times; the London Times; and Nineteenth-Century Masterfile.  The Mossey also owns the complete collection of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion
  • For the form and structure of the final paper, footnotes, and bibliography, you must use either the latest edition of Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers or the Chicago Manual of Style.  The one exception to this: don’t use a title page.  Recommended: writing programs such as Scrivener and bibliographic programs such as Endnote.
  • Further and VITAL N.B.  This paper is a one-semester paper and worth almost 1/3 of your grade.  That is, I’m assigning it on day one of the course, and I expect you to begin it—at least the thinking about and research stage—immediately.  
  • Topics include any aspect of any American person, event, or idea, 1848-1877.  You DO NOT need to clear your topic with me before you choose it.  You should begin choosing a topic immediately.  I would start with a cursory read through BCF and, especially, through his excellent bibliographic essay.

Misc Rules
  1. Never enter class after it’s begun.  I may look nice, but I will not look so nice if you do this.  Call it a quirk.
  2. Don’t attend class unless you have completed the readings assigned.
  3. No side conversations in class.
  4. While you are welcome to use laptops, tablets, or netbooks for note taking, you must NEVER access the internet in any form during the class without express permission from me.  Should you text, tweet, email or access the internet in any way during the class period, you will be in violation of the honor code of the college, and I will remove you—permanently—from the class.  Additionally, type softly.
  5. Plagiarism or cheating of any kind will result in an “F” and your permanent dismissal from this class.